
The Official Publication of Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies

HaLapid is the biannual publication of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

HaLapid invites the submission of articles related to the mission statement of SCJS: “Nurturing a global organization for those researching the history of crypto-Jewish and Sephardic communities around the world.”

Subscriptions are available only with SCJS membership. For advertising rates and specification please contact the editor. An annual membership also includes a subscription to our online newsletter – La Granada – which provides key SCJS information between HaLapid publications.

View The HaLapid Archives

Editorial Policy of HaLapid

HaLapid contributors come from all over the world. The editors respect different national writing styles and, where possible, have left each item in the author’s style. We edit for grammar, spelling and typographical error. Many contributions are memoirs or retelling or family stories and legends. They may or may not be historically accurate although they are indeed valid, sacred memories that have been passed along through time. We do not attempt to change individual perceptions as long as they are reported as such, but we do change obvious misstatements or historical error.

We reserve the right to edit material. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies orHaLapid. Articles from HaLapid may not be reprinted without permission.

Submission of Articles

  • HaLapid invites the submission of articles related to the mission of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies.
  • Submission deadlines are March 15 and September 15. If the day falls on a holiday, the deadline is the first working day after the holiday.
  • Articles should be submitted by e-mail to the editor at corinnejb@aol.com.

HaLapid serves an international readership. All members outside the US will receive digital copies unless other arrangements are made. The journal is distributed to many academic organizations via EBSCO.

Calling All Poets – Your Words Are Wanted!

If you have put pen to paper in free verse or rhyme about the crypto-Jewish experience, we want to hear about it. HaLapid is ready to share your thoughts with our readers.

Poetry editor Miriam Herrera will gladly accept your work as is, or can assist you in polishing it to your satisfaction. Join us as our beautiful magazine expands.

Send your submission to: corinnejb@aol.com or herrera.miriam@gmail.com

HaLapid Staff

  • Communications Officer and Editor: Corinne Joy Brown
  • Design and layout: Jacqueline R. Hirsch, HirMon & Associates