Message from The SCJS President

As a descendant of crypto-Jews, selected to be your next president, I am deeply honored and thankful for the trust placed in me. I can say it is one of the best feelings of my life and an honor, mainly because of the people I represent, from crypto-Jewish descendants to scholar, artists, poets, geneticists, genealogists and all who are dedicated to the research and dissemination of the history of crypto-Jews of Iberian origin.

Rosa Marina Siegel
Immediate President
Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies

For Halapid’s 30th Anniversary edition, I researched past articles, photos, and conference programs. It enjoyed seeing the names of Jewish institutions (religious and secular), personal narratives, abstracts, petitions for family records sent to Spain, and more. I admired the accomplishments, connections, and camaraderie among conference attendees, plus what has transpired from the expulsion of the Jews from Sefarad through the Inquisition era until today, including the discovery of homes, mikvahs, tombstones, and secret diaries, as well as the recognition of the descendants of conversos and the reclaiming of their roots.

We are grateful to Cindy Seton-Rogers and her tenure as President of SCJS during difficult times. She helped with virtual events, Zoom calls, an online conference, and emails, keeping us connected. As we transition, we wish her much personal success ahead and thank her for her continued support.

Now that life is returning to normal, I am delighted to announce our in-person conference for the Fall of 2022. I know we will accomplish wonderful things in the future, taking SCJS to greater heights.

Rosa Marina Siegel