Call for Papers – 28th Annual SCJS ConferenceSCJS-Admin
Call for Papers 28th Annual SCJS Conference “Place and Identity: Redefining the Crypto-Judaic Experience in the Western Hemisphere” June 30-July 2, 2019
Doubletree by Hilton Denver Tech Center, 7801 East Orchard Road, Greenwood Village, Colorado
The Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies (SCJS )invites papers on the crypto-Jewish experience from any discipline (e.g., anthropology, history, sociology, genealogy, philosophy, literature, music, art, etc.).
This year’s conference highlights the crypto-Jewish experience as defined by the origins of Sephardic Jews in Iberia and the greater Mediterranean, Europe and North Africa, and the New World, both pre-and post Inquisition-era through today.
Topics should be relevant to the descendants of crypto-Jews, conversos, and anusim, with particular emphasis on how migration and nationality shapes behavior, as well as group and individual identity.
SCJS welcomes scholarly papers on all aspects of the Sephardic experience and that of other global communities exhibiting crypto-Judaic phenomena. We are particularly interested this year in research covering all areas of the Western Hemisphere.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Conversos in Spanish and Portuguese Colonial Communities
Transmission or Discovery of Family Traditions
Inquisition Related Studies
Evolution of Sephardic Customs or Language
Crypto-Jews in Modern America
Sephardic Culture Outside Iberia
Biographies of Conversos in Old or New Spain
Emerging Communities in Latin America
Personal stories or anecdotal research relating to crypto-Judaic experiences are also welcome, either for individual presentations or for specific panel discussions related to peers and/or a target audience. Proposals must include speaker contact details, a title, a 200-word abstract or summary, and a 100-word bio. Please indicate if research is completed or in progress.
Proposals must be received by February 15, 2019; accepted speakers will be notified shortly thereafter. Send proposals or inquiries to: Professor Seth Kunin Ph.D, Program Chair at
Note: Presenters will benefit a special discounted registration rate and the opportunity to network and expose their work to the attention of leading researchers in the field. For more information on SCJS, visit
The Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, an international academic and secular association, fosters research, networking of people and ideas, and the dissemination of information regarding the historical and contemporary developments involving crypto-Jews of Iberian origins and other hidden Jewish communities around the world. Membership dues fund the programs and publications of this non-profit organization 501(c)(3) open to any and all individuals interested in learning more about this cultural phenomenon.