Following is a passage from La Historia De Espana by Balisterros published in 1957 It was the textbook used in Spanish public schools Someone sent me a photocopy of this page I don’t have the next page so it ends in mid sentence
Rabbi Garzon of Spain has assured me that the Spanish schools have adopted new books and this passage is no longer used
La Expulsion De Los Judios
Clamor general de aquella epoca como eco postrero de la Edad Media fue el abominar de la raza deicida pidiendo su expulsion de la Peninsula Ya no podian repetirse las matanzas de antano: los judios eran muy poderosos y su estirpe de banqueros industriales y ricos mercaderes estaba enlazada con linajes esclarecidos de Castilla No tardaron los Reyes en acoger los latidos del sentirniento general que Como expresion clara de la opinion publica se pronunciaba en contra de los hebreos Era preciso echar de Espana a aquellos habiles agiotistas que manejaban los caudales hispanos e que industriosos solicitos y trabajadores habian acaparado todo el numerario de los reinos espanoles Como chispa que produhera el incendio hubo de ocurrir entonces el profeso del Santo Niño de la Guardia sacrificado por unos judios despues de martirizarlo en simulacro de la Pasion de Cristo’ Para el vulgo esto no era un hecho aislado sino que constituia la practica de la mruerte ritual autorizada aconsejada y practicada por los judios del orbe entero Se equivocaban en esta creencia pues los sucesos aislados denotan si persticion y un fanatismo de algunos judios pero no fue nunca procedimiento tolerado por las comunidades hebreas
El ano antes de morir Enrique IV se habian repetido las Matanzas en Jaen Cordoba y Andujar si bien en menor escala que en el siglo xiv Se extremaron la separacion en aljatnas y las prohibiciones del trato con cristianos ya en desuso Eran los prelirninares Por fm el 31 de mayo de 1492 se promulgo el edicto de expulsion; se las duba de plazo hasta el mes de julio para que vendiesen sus bienes El dilehna era convertirse o salir de Espana Los hebreos espanoles escribieron una famose carta a la aljama de Constantinopla :
English Translation The Expulsion of The Jews
The general clamor of that age like an echo from the end of the Middle Ages was hatred of the god killing race asking for their expulsion from the peninsula The killings of the old times could not be repeated the Jews being too influential and their families of bankers industrialists and wealthy merchants were intertwined with clearly established relationships in Castille The king wasted no time in perceiving the general heartbeat of the clear expression of public opinion that was being pronounced against the Jews It was necessary to expell from Spain these clever agitators that handled the Hispanic wealth and whos industrialists solicitors and workers had monopolized it in the many Spanish kingdoms Like a spark that starts a fire there then happened the ritual of The Santo Niño De La Guardia sacrificed by some Jews after torturing him to simulate the passion of Christ For the populace this was not an isolated happening but it constituted the practice of ritual death authorized recommended and practiced by the whole Jewish world They were mistaken in that belief because in the few isolated events it showed yes the superstition and fanaticism of some Jews but it was never the procedure tolerated by Jewish communities
The year before the death of Henry IV the killings were repeated in Jaen Cordoba and Andujar but on a smaller scale than in the XIV century The separation of the aljamas was increased as were the prohibitions on trade with Christians which had been in disuse These were the preliminaries Finally on May 31 1492 the edict of expulsion was proclaimed they were given until the month of July to sell their possessions The dilemma was to convert or leave Spain The Spanish Jews wrote a famous
The text is mistaken here They were given until August This is the least of the errors in this passage