My Journey My Return My Pilgramage

In crossing the Atlantic Ocean en route to the Iberian Peninsula I could imagine the journey my ancestors made from Barcelona to the New World in the eigthteenth century In many ways my journey to Madrid Spain can be described as a return journey to an obscure homeland It is from this obscure homeland that [...]

Art as an Expression of Sephardic and CryptoJewish Identity

The Society of CryptoJudaic Studies like most academic organizations devotes most of its attention to the written word either findings from scholarly research or personal stories by descendants of the Jews of Spain and Portugal (Sephardim) many of whom had to keep their heritages and identities secret in order to survive Poetry and dramatic plays [...]

Porto Synagogue Built for Barros Basto’s Congregation

On September 8 of this year the impressive Kadoorie synagogue (Mekor H’aimfountain of life) in Porto Portugal came alive with singing and dancing on the occasion of the dedication of a sefer torah donated by a rabbi whose grandfather was saved from the nazis by the then fledging anusim community founded by Captain Barros Basto [...]

Different Cultures Same Goals ANUSIM AND HMONG

The history of the anusim while often not on the forefront of Jewish historical studies is well known to many scholars Oftentimes Crypto Jews are considered the primary example of a culture and religion kept alive by secretive cultural and religious expression during an era of extreme oppression and genocide (Jacobs 2002) What is less known [...]

My Personal Journey

Being raised Catholic didn’t seem to make me Catholic Some how I never felt as if I fit in to what seemed to be the religion of my ancestors I can remember praying with my Granny three times a day when we were around one another At her house she had a little altar facing the [...]

Abuelita’s Secret Matzahs

Reviewed by Arthur Benveniste The pages of HaLapid have presented reviews of many books dealing with the history and culture of crypto Jews some of them quite scholarly others written in a more popular style some fiction and some histories But until now the books have been directed towards an adult readership What a pleasure [...]

Linking the Sabbatean Spring Festival with the Hebrew Tekufoth

This article concerns the commonly shared ideology of those Sephardim who were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula as well as those who were forced to undergo conversion and remained there or immigrated to other countries The messianic hope for religious and national restoration was for them a commonly held one that would bring an end [...]

Ladina Opens Tertulia Series in Porto

Captain Barros Basto whom the noted historian Cecil Roth called "the apostle of the Marranos" was the subject of the first of a series of tertulias or salons in September sponsored by Ladina a registered nonprofit society in Porto Portugal which focuses on the history and culture of the Sephardic Jews of Portugal The event which [...]

Finally Home

A Couple’s Odyssey Too much of Daniel Ramos" childhood revolved around the church His mother Elizabeth Garcia Ramos a minister’s daughter who became a minister’s wife and his father Ismael spent a lot of time on his ministry and as a result so did their family Daniel the youngest of five siblings was never at [...]