Ethics and Crypto Jewish Studies : Three Views

Below we present three views on the subject ETHICS AND CRYPTO JEWISH STUDIES: + Ethical Framework For SCJS by Seth Kunin + Identity and DNA Testing by Abraham D Lavender + Alleles Have No Religion by Seth Ward Ethical Framework for SJCS By Seth D Kunin PhD Some of the perennial issues that have been raised in many recent conferences and [...]

My Journey to Judaism

As a youngster I grew up in a very good Roman Catholic home I went to Catholic parochial school in El Paso TX The Irish nuns that taught me always told their students that what they taught in religion class had to be believed by us They told us on the one hand that we [...]

Were Crypto Jews in Early New France Settlements?

The story of Esther Brandeau known to many as the first person of Jewish origin to set foot in New France exemplifies the situation that many possible Jewish emigrants faced when they arrived in this northern land today known as Quebec Esther Brandeau was the daughter of David Brandeau of Bayonne France Esther disguised as a [...]

The Mexican Inquisition in Nuevo Leon 15501821

The Holy Office followed Spanish settlers to New Spain How did this affect everyday life for cryptoJews in the area to the North near Monterrey? What is now Mexico endured as the Spanish colony New Spain from 1521 to 1821 Within this territory crypto Jews had immigrated from Europe the Azores and the Middle East [...]

Maimonides The Physician

Moshe ben Maimon or Maimonides was the most important Jewish philosopher of the Middle Ages His writings on the Torah are well known What is less well known is the fact that he was also the most important Jewish physician of the Middle Ages When forced to convert to Islam by the Almohad dynasty in Córdova [...]

Jewish Philosophy Influenced CryptoJewish Practice of Medicine

After the disruptions of the many expulsions of Jews from most West European kingdoms from the thirteenth through the fifteenth centuries¸ it is no wonder that Jews as medical practitioners tended almost everywhere to fade away The two places where they remained in evidence however were those lands where major disasters had not yet taken [...]

My Journey My Return My Pilgramage

In crossing the Atlantic Ocean en route to the Iberian Peninsula I could imagine the journey my ancestors made from Barcelona to the New World in the eigthteenth century In many ways my journey to Madrid Spain can be described as a return journey to an obscure homeland It is from this obscure homeland that [...]

Art as an Expression of Sephardic and CryptoJewish Identity

The Society of CryptoJudaic Studies like most academic organizations devotes most of its attention to the written word either findings from scholarly research or personal stories by descendants of the Jews of Spain and Portugal (Sephardim) many of whom had to keep their heritages and identities secret in order to survive Poetry and dramatic plays [...]