Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies Archives

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Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies

Rodrigo Cota15th century poet with a major social identity crisis

Elaine Wertheimer is a Retired Professor of Spanish New York Rodrigo de Cota was a 15th century poet with a major social identity crisis one of the desperate conversos who did not have a comfortable place in this world So often when we are dealing with authors of this period we suspect that they may have [...]

Becoming a Part of the Society

Roger Louis Martá­nez is Board MemberatLarge and Vice President of Conferences Recently the editor asked me to pen my own member profile for this issue of HaLapid It is an odd task - to write about myself - and one certain to bring disaster upon me Pride and false humility seem inescapable Instead of providing [...]

Santa Cruz de la Sierra and its Jewish Colonial Legacy

Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (Santa Cruz de la Sierra) versión impresa ISSN 18190545 Rev humanid cienc soc (St Cruz Sierra) v4 nse 2008 This paper was published in Spanish in the Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales Vol 15 Nº 12 (June - December 2009) ISSN 18190545   Francisco Roig holds a BA in [...]

In the Footsteps of Sabbatean Redemption

From Mickiewicz to Young Turks Relations between the Ottoman Empire and Poland are extensively recorded in history However their Jewishmystical counterparts which appear to have carried out a meaningful function remains as a less explored and even feebly recorded feature Historical Background Ottoman rule in Podolia (167299) the proximity of Poland to territories under Ottoman [...]

Daniel Levi De Barrios:Marrano Poet Laureate

Readers of the history of cryptoJews secret Jews or Marranos as they are also known (I use Marrano sparingly as it has for me pejorative connotations) come to understand that many of them wavered in their commitments to become permanent members of a formal Jewish community This phenomenon repeated itself from the 16th to the [...]

Marrano Women In The Inquisition: Isabel Lopes The Innkeeper of Torre De Moncorvo

Translated from Portuguese For a traveler who arrived in Torre de Moncorvo in the TrásosMontes province of northern Portugal in the 1550’s the best place to stay in town was Isabel’s Inn To do justice to her fame it must be mentioned that her Inn functioned like a central clearing house for information on Marrano practices [...]

John Paul AbranchesSon Of Aristides De Sousa Mendes Portuguese Righteous Gentile

In Memoriam John Paul Abranches who spearheaded efforts to honor and "rehabilitate" his father Portuguese diplomat and Righteous Gentile Aristides de Sousa Mendes passed away in Antioch California on February 5 2009 after a long illness John Paul was 78 He was the last surviving son of his parents Aristides and Angelina de Sousa Mendes (His full name [...]

1449 Toledo Spain Doña Robledo

The fiftyfive year old woman walked cautiously to the small bedroom in the back of the house situated in the juderá­a of Toledo Doña Robledo stroked the altar cloth her grandmother made for the synagogue It was a cream colored silk cloth embroidered with fine silk strands from Granada depicting the Tree of Life Her [...]

CryptoJews From Trasosmontes PortugalA History Told By The Y Chromosome

Introduction The universal history of Jewish people is full of constant oppressions and persecutions Portugal as no exception to this rule It was in TrasosMontes a rugged and isolated province of Portugal on the North East border with Spain that many Jews settled and were able to secretly maintain their ancestral culture and religious practises [...]