Baal Teshuvah: I Am Ready to Return

In the years of researching my Jewish family history and studying Judaism I have finally come to a place where I feel reconnected with my Sephardic ancestry As a descendant of cryptoJewish heritage I feel compelled to reclaim my Jewish faith and family lineage in order to preserve what is left and also build onto it [...]

Herz Photos Document Presence Of Hidden Jews in New Mexico

For almost three decades intriguing stories have been published about descendants of the "secret" Jews of the American southwest Sephardic Jews who escaped five hundred years ago from the Inquisitions in Spain and Portugal and found refuge in the northern reaches of New Spain Almost always any accompanying photographs have carried the credit line of Cary [...]

Form and Meaning in the Sephardic Poetry of New Spain

"No ha de ser en vano:" Among the Inquisition documents housed at the Bancroft Library at the University of California Berkeley are the trials of Isabel and Leonor de Carvajal sisters of the more famous Luá­s de Carvajal The Carvajal family like many other immigrants came to New Spain in the second half of the [...]

South Texas Hispanics Wear Fragile Masks

Commentary from the TexasMexico Border Defection is considered treason and the birth of mistrust is born An exception lives in the remnants of CryptoJewish descendants along the Texas border Families who have discovered that their forefathers were of Jewish blood somehow have survived in managing to hold on to their traditions without the support of [...]

Visiting Anusim in the Dominican Republic

When Jorge Yoram Torres moved to the city of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic he never dreamed he would become the founder of the largest congregation on that island Born in Westchester County New York he has lived in Puerto Rico and Canada A young Orthodox Jew Torres sports a beard a kippah and the [...]

Some Youthful Memories

I have been asked over and over again "When did you find out you were Jewish?’ It’s as though being Jewish is something that can be acquired at some precise time and place How does one qualify to being Jewish? At what time in life does one acquire all of the attributes that define a [...]

Belmonte: Community Needs Trained Leaders

My parents came to Canada from Zabludow a small poor Shtetl (a Jewish town) in Poland famous for its beautiful 16th C wooden synagogue It was burnt down by the Germans and their willing helpers during World War 2 My parents experienced antiSemitism hunger and a pogrom in which my mother’s younger sister was killed [...]

How Did the Dreidle Become Part of CryptoJewish Culture of the Southwest?

When is a top just a top? While the interdisciplinary study examining the existence of the cryptoJewish community of the Southwest United States is less than twentyfive years old it has already become a focus of scholarly controversy Some scholars accept the authenticity of the Jewish heritage of the community while others question the realities [...]

Before the Collapse of Coexistence

Catholics Jews Conversos Collaborated in the Bishopric of Plasencia In 1442 as the fabulously wealthy and militarily powerful Catholic Counts of Bejar began to assert their seigniorial control over the Extremaduranvalley city of Plasencia Spain a tightly knit network of Catholic converso and Jewish families utilized the Cathedral of Plasencia to not only outmaneuver the [...]