Santa Cruz de la Sierra and its Jewish Colonial Legacy

Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (Santa Cruz de la Sierra) versión impresa ISSN 18190545 Rev humanid cienc soc (St Cruz Sierra) v4 nse 2008 This paper was published in Spanish in the Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales Vol 15 Nº 12 (June - December 2009) ISSN 18190545   Francisco Roig holds a BA in [...]

In the Footsteps of Sabbatean Redemption

From Mickiewicz to Young Turks Relations between the Ottoman Empire and Poland are extensively recorded in history However their Jewishmystical counterparts which appear to have carried out a meaningful function remains as a less explored and even feebly recorded feature Historical Background Ottoman rule in Podolia (167299) the proximity of Poland to territories under Ottoman [...]

Daniel Levi De Barrios:Marrano Poet Laureate

Readers of the history of cryptoJews secret Jews or Marranos as they are also known (I use Marrano sparingly as it has for me pejorative connotations) come to understand that many of them wavered in their commitments to become permanent members of a formal Jewish community This phenomenon repeated itself from the 16th to the [...]

1449 Toledo Spain Doña Robledo

The fiftyfive year old woman walked cautiously to the small bedroom in the back of the house situated in the juderá­a of Toledo Doña Robledo stroked the altar cloth her grandmother made for the synagogue It was a cream colored silk cloth embroidered with fine silk strands from Granada depicting the Tree of Life Her [...]

CryptoJews From Trasosmontes PortugalA History Told By The Y Chromosome

Introduction The universal history of Jewish people is full of constant oppressions and persecutions Portugal as no exception to this rule It was in TrasosMontes a rugged and isolated province of Portugal on the North East border with Spain that many Jews settled and were able to secretly maintain their ancestral culture and religious practises [...]

Home At Last the Story of a Returning Marrano

Jorge Lopes Amaral born in Mozambique of Portuguese parents from Mangualde (90 kilometres from Belmonte) was obliged to travel to New York to return to Klar Israel It’s hard to say when Jorge’s odyssey began but when he went to Israel in 1985 on a work assignment he found himself at home It felt as [...]

ÓRALE ISRAEL ! Converso or Jew?

Órale! Hurry up! In slang it can mean HEY! How’s it going what’s happenin’ get it on ok etc The word comes from " ahora " (now) and the indirect pronoun for you " le" It is used when you want to get someone or something moving or to exhort someone to do something or [...]