Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies Archives

Blog Archives

Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies

NOV 17, 2024: The Secret Jews of Southern Italy – The Untold Story

Sunday, November 17, 2024 11am - 12:30pm MDT10:00 a.m. Pacific | 11:00 a.m. Mountain | 1:00 p.m. Eastern | 7:00 p.m. ItalyDo not miss our final lecture for this year!From our longtime member Rabbi Barbara Aiello comes the remarkable story of the re-discovery of southern Italy’s hidden Jewish past. Tapped in all the way from her home in [...]

Sept. 15, 2024: Expulsion, Inquisition, and the Erasure of Jewish Identity

SCJS and our sponsor The Lawerence and Kathy Kanter Fund of the JCF of NE Florida will host our next webinar: Sunday, September 15 at 11am - 12:30pm MDT Presented by Dr. Seth Ward Join us for "Expulsion, Inquisition, and the Erasure of Jewish Identity" by Dr. Seth Ward. This online event will take place [...]

Yaakov Gladstone Raises Funds For Belmonte

The tragic events which befell the Jews of Spain and Portugal 500 years ago were commemorated in March in Deerfield Park Florida using poetry ladino songs and conversations with scholars I organized the event feeling there should be a day to recall these tragic events for Jews who know almost nothing about this period of [...]